New Outlet & Switch Installation

new outlet installationMany home renovation projects involve a lot of electrical work that is required to be done. The most common work that is done to a house involving the electrical system is the installation of new light switches and outlets. It is always best to have an electrician inspect and install new outlets. This way, they can ensure that it is up to code and safe. They will also be able to walk you through other electrical requirements that your project may need.

While switching one outlet out for a newer one is a simple job, installing a new outlet is a whole different job. Whether you are installing a new outlet for a particular use or adding a new circuit to the electrical panel, there are things you should consider. For starters, you need to know the specific codes that are required to be met. Such codes include GFCI protection, amperage requirements, dedicated circuits, and more.

You can also look at the installation of new outlets as an opportunity to explore special features on the receptacle. You can ask your Professional Electric electrician about tamper-resistance, weather-proof covers, USB charging, and swiveling outlets. There are several different options to consider that will fit your project’s needs. Your electrician can present these options to you and help you decide the right one for you.

Install New Light Switch

When you install a new exhaust fan, light fixture, or ceiling fan, it is to be expected that you are going to install a new light switch. From a simple replacement to rewiring, the switch is more than just the final step. It is a way for you to have control over the lighting and operation efficiency in your home. Smart light switches, dimmer switches, and timer switches are all important additions to consider when installing new light switches into your home.

However, this job is one that requires knowledge, skill, and experience. It is recommended that a Professional Electric electrician handle the job for you. Using an electrician will ensure the safety of the project while making sure the job is done right the first time. Something simple, such as replacing a worn out or faulty switch, is still no DIY job. When you are installing a new switch for a new fixture, swapping to a more suitable switch for your home’s theme, or upgrading a light switch to one with improved features, the best course of action is to consult an electrician. This is the only way to ensure that the job is done correctly, safely, and efficiently.

Based out of New Orleans, Professional Electric has licensed and skilled electricians with years of experience with installing and replacing light switches and outlets. Never work on your electrical system without proper training or knowledge. To avoid safety hazards, consult an electrician today about your project’s needs and expectations. Your electrician will go over your options and direct you down the best path for your project, even giving you an estimate of the work involved.